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Item Number |
Item Description |
BF-0144 |
Fox Match Holder with a match striker. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 8 1/2" H x 4 1/2" W |

Unusual & rare whimsical box exquisitely carved with a fox family tree house. Each brick & ivy leaf carved with character. The father "wise man" fox sitting outside cross-legs & arms with his book & glasses on his lap. The mother with a baby standing in the window and a marmot visiting tipping his hat as he greets the fox father.
The whole carving is superb & can be used as box with hidden compartment at the back. Swiss c. 1900
Size: 10 1/2" H x 8 1/2" W x 7" D |
Black Forest Tobacco Box in the shape of barrel with a cat coming out of a hole within the barrel’s base. The barrel opens from the top with a hinge. Swiss c. 1880.
Size: 6 1/2" H x 9" L x 6 1/2" D |
BF-0661 |
The best walnut cat head nutcracker with a later display stand. Swiss c. 1900. Size: 8 1/2" H (nutcracker only) |
Nicely carved rabbit / hare box on a carved base. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6" H x 4 3/4" L x 3 1/2" D |
Pair of small Black Forest finely carved Owl wall brackets. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6" H x 7 1/2" W x 5 1/2" D |

Carved rabbit box sitting next to a faux tree stump host a brass bowl. The head lifts up to reveal the box. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6 1/4" H x 6 1/2" L |
Finely carved walnut BF double Eagle / Hawk with crescent mirror. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 23" H x 8" W |

Intricate & whimsical finely carved Owls with owlets & "looming danger" snake on ground ~ possibly done as candlesticks. Swiss c. 1880.
Size: 11 1/2" H x 6" L x 4 3/4" D |

Finely carved Black Forest Fox whip holder. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 13 1/2" H |

Finely carved honey-colored walnut spread-winged eagle landing on a rocky base. Swiss c. 1870.
Size: 15 1/2" H x 8 1/2" W x 6 3/4" D (wing span = 17") |
BF-0732 |
Black Forest carved hiking rabbit with a faux weaved basket strapped to its back. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 9 1/2" H x 5 3/4" L x 4" D |

Majestic spread-winged "Wise Owl" hovering over an open book flanked by two faux book piles inkwells in this desk set. Swiss c. 1900.
Size: 7" H x 11 3/4" L x 5 3/4" D |

Large carved Black Forest spread-winged eagle & another eagle perched barometer and thermometer. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 28" H x 16" W |

Black Forest carved walnut singing owls. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 7 1/2" H x 5" W x 2" D |
BF-0741 |
Two tone carved BF Swallow Key Rack. Similar example in Black Forest catalog p:165 ~ Swiss Carvings ~ The Art of the "Black Forest" 1820-1940.
Size: 7" H x 10" L |

Carved walnut Black Forest "Wise Owl" Tobacco Box. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 9" H x 6 " L x 4" D |

Carved Black Forest inquisitive cute cat looking into a basket ~ cat head on hinge. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 3" H x 7 1/2" L x 5" D |

Amusing pose on these Black Forest Fox Bookends. French, 1930's.
Size: 10 1/2" H x 7" L x 5 3/4" D |
BF-0749 |
Superb fine walnut carving of Black Forest Bull & Cow. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: Bull ~ 7 1/2" H x 10" L x 3 1/4" D / Cow ~ 7" H x 9 1/2" L x 3 1/8"D |

Two small & special carved owl inkwells~one on books & the smaller one on trough. Swiss c. 1900.
Sizes: 7" H x 4 1/4" W x 4" D, 5 3/4" H x 3 3/4" W x 3" D |

Magnificently carved animated stag (fallow deer) in honey colored walnut. (This is the best we've ever had). Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 40" H x 18" L x 9" D |

Good walnut carved fox hunter whipholder. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 13 1/2" H |
BF-0763 |
Elegant carved "Horse in Motion" signed by Fritz Buri with a paper Albert Shild label underneath. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 9" H x 9" L x 3 5/16" D |

RARE miniature Black Forest carved cat with glass eyes. Late 19th Century.
Size: 1" H x 2 1/2" L |

Finely carved Eagle on rocks preparing to take off. With pokerwork to accent. Dated 1906 Salzburg.. Austria, Dated 14 Sept 1906.
Size: 15 1/2" H x 8 1/4" W x 10" D |
BF-0789 |
Detailed walnut carving of a cattle family group (bull, cow & calf). Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6 1/2" H x 11" W x 6 1/8" D |

Finely carved majestic large bull on a marble base. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Sizes: Bull Only ~ 9 1/4" H x 14 1/2" L ~ Marble Base ~ 1 1/4" H x 16 3/4" L x 6 3/4" D

Inquisitive owl carved in walnut probably was an inkwell Black Forest carving. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6 3/4" H |

"The wise fox visit" Finely carved in honey colored walnut box / tea caddy in a shape of a brick house with two dressed foxes; one with a cape (the wise one) and the young one listening. Swiss c. 1880
Size: 12" H x 9 3/16" W x 7" D |

Dressed fox hunter - whimsical Black Forest carving pot. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 9" H x 7 3/4" W x 6 3/4" D |
BF-0791 |
Finely carved majestic Black Forest Bull on base. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 7" H x 7 1/2" L x 3 3/4" D |

Black Forest wall plaque Rabbit head peering out from a rustic shield of branches and foliage with glass eyes. Swiss c. 1880.
Size: 14" H x 10 1/2" W x 6" D |

Miniature whimsical two-tone Black Forest owl tree with two owlets in a hollow and a watchful mother owl.. Swiss c. 1900.
Size: 7 1/2" H x 4" w x 3" D |

The Jolly Huntsman ~ Exquisitely carved whip holder huntsman (in warm honey walnut) in motion raising his pipe with gun slung behind shoulder with some illegible subscription on the back, probably a dedication to the recipient. There is a name and the word brother in German. Swiss c. 1900.
Size: 15 1/4" H |

Whimsical Black Forest carved tobacco box with two cats peering out of a top hat box. Swiss, Lae 19th Century.
Size: 8" H x 5" W x 5 5/8" D |

Finely carved BF walnut prowling fox hinged box with glass eye. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6" H x 8" L x 2 3/4" D |
Black Forest dressed musical rabbit hunter whip holder with shoulder knapsack and gun strapped to its back. Music box has a key. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 18 1/2" H |

Small miniature BF Owl inkwell. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 2 1/2" H x 2" W x 1 1/2" D |
BF-0833 |
RARE carved articulated BF “monkey ballerina” jumping jack. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 11" H |

Superb & rare finely carved hinged "happy" cat box. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 5 ¼” H. |

Finely carved owl family pen rest & inkwell. Center mother owl & two owlets on one side and another owlet on top of the inkwell. (Special piece). Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6" H x 9 1/2" L x 3 5/8" |

Oversized (18" H) finely carved Black Forest dressed fox hunter whip holder sporting a feathered hat, clutching a sword and gun strapped to its back with a music box. Swiss c. 1880. |

Small sweet owl on top of naturalistic carved inkwell and pen holder. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 7" H x 4" W |

Finely carved Black Forest dressed fox holding pipe in one hand & cane in the other. Tree stump as a cigar holder & backpack with a match box holder. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 9" H x 9" L x 4 1/2" D |

Small carved wooden owl sewing needle holder case. Light colored Back Forest owl with glass eyes. c. 1930.
Size: 2 1/2" H |

Superb fine detailed walnut carving of an owl tobacco box with detachable head and glass eyes. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 10 1/2" H |

Pair of flat-back carved Black Forest Owls with glass eyes perched on a branch. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6" H x 4 1/4" W x 1" D |

Rare carved Black Forest fox head inkwell with pen tray. The fox is wearing a beanie hat & stylish scarf. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 5 1/2" H x 5 1/2" L x 8 1/2" D |

Large & majestic walnut Black Forest "Great Horned Owl" tobacco jar ~ delicately carved feather details, color & patina. Swiss c. 1880.
Size: 12" H x 8 1/2" W x 7" D |

"The Singing Owl" ~ Large carved Black Forest owl with open beak & glass eyes desk piece with flanking inkwells and pen rest. Great face on this owl & good carving overall. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 7" H x 12 1/2" L x 6 1/2" D |
BF-0839 |
Finely carved young buck with glass eyes, detailed fur, front legs folded underneath recumbent Stag inkwell. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 10" H x 9" L. |

Finely carved cute sitting Black Forest rabbit box (possibly inkwell) on a carved base. Swiss c. 1880.
Size: 6" H x 5 3/4" L x 3 3/8" D. |

Carved Owl Inkwell in American Poplar wood with glass eyes. c. 1910.
Size: 10" H |

Unusual Black Forest honey walnut carving of an owl inkwell. The carving portray the wings of the owl carved flatly as a pen tray. There is brass inkwell inserted in the head and glass eyes. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 3 1/2" H x 15 1/2" W x 5 1/2" D |
BF-0855 |
Finely carved fox with glasses & book on his lap. Desk inkwell & pen holder in two tone. Swiss c. 1800.
Size: 6" H x 8 14" L x 4 1/2" D |

Whimsical carved Student Owl on books. German c. 1920.
Size: 11" H x 5" W |

Superb & rare carved RAVEN nutcracker with glass eyes. Swiss c. 1880.
Size: 8 1/2" H |
BF-0858 |
Well carved rabbit head plaque with glass eyes. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 13" H |

Diminutive carved owl small box (possibly inkwell) with character & glass eyes. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 3 1/2" H x 2" L x 2" D |

Carved Black Forest spread-winged Eagle with glass eyes - wall piece. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 10" H x 19" W |

Great expression on this carved Black Forest walnut Fox & Tree Stump Inkwell. The Fox with glass eyes & lovely, curled tail - holding onto his hunting bag. c. Late 19th Century.
Size: 6 3/4" H x 4 3/4" L x 2 1/2" D |
BF-0874 |
A pair of unusual models of walnut Black Forest owls, possibly bookends or wall displays. Swiss, Late 19th Century.
Size: 6 3/4" H x 6 5/8" L x 1 5/8" D |

Carved small Black Forest Owl with center clock that pops out & works. Swiss c. 1900.
Size: 7 1/4" H
FA-0768 |
Two-piece 19th C. carved in fruit wood PIG tobacco box / string dispenser. Head separated & tilted in the photo.
Size: 6 3/4" H x 3 1/2" W x 4 1/2" D |
FO-0471 |
"Eagle on a ball" small walnut brackets pair. American .c 1910.
Size: 7" H x 14 3/4" W |