Black Forest:

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We have other bigger and smaller pieces including
Owls, Bears, Rabbits, Foxes, Dogs, Cats, Monkeys, Boars, and Elf's.
Shown is a small selection from our inventory.

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Heavy mustached dog hunter whip holder with a feathered hat & gun. Swiss c. 1880.

Size: 14" H



Finely carved & animated Black Forest walnut dog head wall bracket. The jolly dog with glass eyes & open mouth flanked by carved leaves & scrolls. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 9" H x 10" W x 6 1/2" D



A fine carving of a shaggy dog and a mouse with a hollow weaved basket. Swiss c. 1880.

Size: 9" H x 7" L x 6" W


Large finely carved Black Forest recumbent dog with sweet expression. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 4 1/2" H x 13 1/2" L x 8" D



Nicely carved Black Forest recumbent Dog (hollow). Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 4" H x 8 1/2" L x 4" D



Oversized finely carved in walnut big-eyed Black Forest dog inkwell. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 5 1/2" H x 11" L x 6" D


Sweet faced recumbent dog (Berner or Lab type) with an adorable "dark eye patches". Swiss, Late 19th Centuiry.

Size: 2 1/2" H x 11 1/2" L x 4 1/2" D



Candleholder in the form of a small finely carved amusing dressed dog holding a basket. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 6" H



Superb dog family group with a mother dog watching her two playful pups on a grassy base. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 9" H x 10 3/4" D x 15" L


Finely carved BF "sweet faced" recumbent dog with glass eyes. Swiss c. 1890.

Size: 4 1/2" H x 9" L x 4 1/2" D



Finely carved Black Forest (possibly Dachshund) Inkstand with his master hat acting as a top to the glass inkwell (damaged). Marked "Gröden". South Tyrol is famous for its wood carving. Marked "Gröden". Late 19th Century.

Size: 6" H x 3 1/2" D x 8" L



"Cheers" ~ cute schnauzer dog with glass eyes drinking from the barrel. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 9" H x 7 1/2" W x 7 1/2" D



Whimsical amusing carved Scottie dog Anthropomorphic playing a bagpipes & carrying a tote bag. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 8 1/2" H x 5 1/4" W x 3 1/2" D


Fine & intricate walnut carving of a bushy eyed dog with a floppy hat in its mouth & a weaved basket with the #77. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 11" H x 13" W x 6 1/2" D



Black Forest carved glass-eyed walnut dog head inkwell with glass insert. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 4" H



Exquisite carved walnut Black Forest recumbent sweet dog. Swiss c. 1900.

Size: 4 1/2" H x 9 1/2" L x 7" D



19th c. carved head of a spaniel dog with glass eyes wall plaque.

Size: 7" H x 7" W x 7" D



Carved walnut open mouth Black Forest dog inkwell with paws resting on a carved faux log which act as a pen holder. Swiss, Late 19th Century.

Size: 4" H x 8 1/2" L




© Leatherwood Antiques,  Post Office Box 1676,  Sandwich, MA 02563 ~  508-420-1433